Carmen Gomez, creator of Energy Release of Emotional Memories (E.R.O.E.M.) and the Visual Reprogramming Workshops. Carmen Gomez was trained by Dr. Brian Weiss on Past Life Regression Therapy. Certified as instructor of the National Guild of Hypnotists USA, Total Biology of living Beings and Biological Decoding by tha teacher Enrique Bouron, New Germanic Medicine of Dr Hamer, In addition, she was trained on Akashic Records, Usui Reiki and Art Therapy. Carmen has extensive knowledge deciphering the emotions that cause the symptoms of any illness. Her participants will benefit from all the knowledge and experience she has acquired since 1998 through community work, social services and case management. U.S.A. carmengomez.eroem@gmail.com
Energy Release of Emotional Memories
Energy Release of Emotional Memories
West Orange, NJ 07052
+1 201 878 5719